Spring Cleaning for the Mind & Body

Spring Cleaning for the Mind & Body

Spring Cleaning for the Mind & Body

The time for spring cleaning has arrived! Here at The Morrison Center, we take on spring cleaning with a different approach. While we enjoy decluttering living spaces, we're also experts at "cleaning" the body and restoring it back to a sound foundation. In fact, Dr. Jeffrey Morrison published a study with findings that the 30-day Daily Benefit® program helped patients reduce unwanted symptoms by 66.3 percent.1

How to Begin
One way we start this process is by using the Daily Benefit® Program.The 10-day program is a great way to jumpstart your reset journey and the 30-day program offers a way to build sustainable habits. Either way, the shakes make decision-making much easier when it comes to healthy meal-planning. The program guide is also a reliable source for patients to get started with a meal-planning schedule, grocery list, and menu ideas. To individualize your program, consider working with one of our nutritionists.

Working it Out
Being the unique individuals we are, many of us may need a little more guidance on how to incorporate such a program more seamlessly into our lives. That’s why our health coaches are here! Working with a health coach while trying to get started (or reacquainted) with a “spring cleaning” plan can work wonders. It provides a better sense of mindfulness, accountability, and sustainability. You’ll have a dedicated nutrition expert who knows you, your health goals and your preferences to answer any questions you may have and help you fine-tune your program along the way.

Increasing Mindfulness & Awareness
As city people, we understand the constant hustle and bustle that keeps us on “go” mode all the time. More times than not, we talk to patients who scarf down lunch at their desks, don’t chew their food enough, or can’t tell whether or not cheese is what’s giving them the bloats. A huge part of the healing journey is to slow things down and increase awareness. Otherwise, we won’t know what we don’t know. You can work with a health coach to practice mindfulness and awareness.

Embracing Accountability
Chances are, you already have a sense of what goals you are trying to achieve. The challenge is forming a plan and sticking to it. Partnering with a health coach eases you into new changes in ways that keep you committed to and responsible for your journey. There is no picture-perfect formula, which is why we need to be accountable for both the highs and the lows along the way. Progress fluctuates because that’s how life works! That’s why we stress the importance of regularly following up with your health coach, even when things seem to be smooth sailing. Regular check-ins with your dedicated nutritionist will keep you motivated, on-track toward your health goals, and help you create a customized plan for long-term health after completing the Daily Benefit® program.

Practicing Sustainability
Sustainability isn’t something you can just “get” and be done with. It’s a practice that we continuously tweak and improve upon. Our health coaches help you explore basic improvements and implement gradual changes during your journey together. As these pieces come together, you’ll find that these changes collectively create a much larger impact than originally anticipated. We work on what you want to improve within the circumstances of your unique lifestyles. Partner with a health coach to get started on making sustainable habits.

Keeping Track of Your Progress
Are you data driven and like to see change in numbers? Or maybe you want to know where your starting point even is? We suggest taking our Symptom Survey to determine your baseline and coming back to it every now and then to track your progress. In his research, Dr. Morrison used the survey to determine that the 30-day Daily Benefit® program helped patients improve by 66.3 percent.1 Even if you’re not specifically using the Daily Benefit® program, we highly encourage you to make use of this survey to keep track of your health journey. Your health coach can help you monitor this data and interpret areas that need a little more TLC so that your care is more targeted and focused.

Looking to work with a health coach?
Robin and Stephanie are happy to help you curate a personalized health plan that specifically targets your goals and conditions. Call our office to find out more: 212-989-9828. You can also send us a message to get connected with our office.


  1. Morrison JA, Iannucci AL. Symptom relief and weight loss from adherence to a meal replacement-enhanced, low-calorie detoxification diet. Integr Med. 2012;11(2):16-21.